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success stories
Read some of our partnership success stories.
Career development on track with Australian Rail Track Corporation
The Australian Rail Track Corporation has headed down the path of trialing their first ACAP Professional intern, and is delighted at the results.
ARTC was approached by the training division of Engineers Australia, Engineering Education Australia (EEA) with a view to offering a placement to a young engineer. Former University of Adelaide Bachelor of Engineering Honours student Mr Xilin Lu (pictured left) was successful in the interview process and is quick to praise the value of his placement.
“Working within ARTC, has helped me practice my technical, communication and problem-solving skills,” Xilin said.
David Ogucha (pictured right) is the Track and Civil Standards Engineer at ARTC’s Enterprise Services and he was full of praise for the professional attitude Xilin brought to his internship. “He has done research and engineering analysis to produce reports that will help implement changes in how ARTC undertakes work to control thermal stress in rail.” David said.
Following the completion of his internship Xilin applied for an available engineering position at ARTC, and following a competitive interview process was appointed the role.
Click here to find out more about the Australian Rail Track Corporation.
From internship to work, what it’s all about at City of Burnside
The City of Burnside lists a number of reasons why it takes ACAP’s young professionals on three-month internships, among which is staff development. We have found that all of our interns embrace the training and like to absorb as much information as possible and require only the normal training time/sessions like any new employee would,” said Coordinator, Rates and Finance, Ms Janice van der Pennen.
“This also provides opportunities and experience for our staff to undertake mentoring, training, supervising interns throughout the three month placement,” she added.
In Adelaide, ACAP Professional provides a bridging program which helps young professionals cross the divide between what they’ve learnt at university and the expectations of the workforce.
Ms van der Pennen said the council has been very impressed with the quality of interns it’s offered placements to.
“Burnside aims to provide an opportunity for ACAP young professionals to experience how a busy office environment and organisation culture operates. All of our interns have been professional, eager to learn, willing to tackle any task thrown at them,” she continued.
Sven Liu (pictured, left) and Susan Su (right) are two young accounting and finance professionals who have been placed in the council to date, although there are hopes for expansion into engineering in the future. And Mr Liu’s experience has been so good he was offered a three-month contract, covering a position while staff were on extended leave.
Click here to find out more about the City of Burnside.
After 14 years delivering quality education to more than 15,000 graduates, the Professional Year Program (PYP) is closing nationally. We will no longer be accepting applications for the PYP at any of our campus around Australia. ACAP will be supporting all current students enrolled in the PYP to complete their studies. For more information please contact [email protected].