ACAP Professional Year

Our programs

Enquire about hosting an intern
Referral campaign

Diana Draft – this is for a referral campaign, so when we run one, we will work on the content at that time.

Ensuring the quality of engagement with interns and industry partners, Navitas Professional has an extensive network of 4,600+ host companies and tertiary providers. Our host companies come from Fortune 500 and ASX100 listed companies to local SMEs and government departments.

Experience the benefits of an intern

There are no costs for partnering with Navitas Professional and accepting an intern into your organisation.

The internship is an unpaid placement and interns are insured by Navitas so there is no risk or financial expense to your organisation.

Many of our interns are bilingual; their linguistic skills and overseas experience can be of enormous benefit to organisations with a global footprint and an international workforce.

Incorporating interns into your ongoing business strategy provides:

  • access to highly trained, entry-level graduates and identification of future talent
  • opportunities for existing staff to develop workplace training, management and mentoring capabilities
  • relief of skills shortages, resources to develop new projects and test ideas
  • an outlet for corporate social responsibility and means of contributing to your industry and community

Are you ready to host an intern? Enquire now.

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talented graduate interns boost your business

Hiring a graduate intern allows you to scale your team and think outside the box.
And if they are great, you can offer them a job. Everybody wins.